
NPA Satellite Mapping - CGG

Value adding services (company uses satellite data to generate products), Hardware/software, Downstream / GIS services (main business not in EO but using satellite data, Consultancy (studies / analyses which are not VA services and other support, Data reseller (satellite or other data from third party sources)

*NPA Satellite Mapping* is a world-leading, independent supplier of satellite images, multi-client products and bespoke mapping services. Since 1972 our solutions have responded to the requirements of international clients across multiple market sectors, including Oil & Gas, Mining, Engineering and Environment. _The Right Imagery for the Job_: We provide a single entry point to a comprehensive portfolio or optical, radar and elevation data, backed up by impartial, expert advice spanning over 65 satellite missions. _Intelligence from Imagery_: We derive actionable information from satellite imagery using advanced processing, expert interpretation and innovative tools, and our solutions span a diverse range of land and marine application.

Head Office Location
United Kingdom
Crockham Park, Edenbridge, Kent, TN8 6SR, UK
+44 (0)1732 865023
Contact Name
Burren Richard
Contact Position
Director of NPA Satellite Mapping
Contact Telephone
+44 (0)1732 865023
Contact Email
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