GETOpenData Assess environmental impact of farming, Agriculture, Assessing crop damage due to storms, Monitor crop disease and stress, Assess crop acreage and yield. Harvest, Monitor specific crops types, Forecast crop yields, Detect illegal or undesired crops, Monitor water use on crops and horticulture, Measure land use statistics, Measure soil water index, Assess changes in the carbon balance, Alternative Energy, Forecast and monitor ocean winds and waves, Monitor construction and buildings, Communications, Assess changes to urban and rural areas, Map line of sight visibility (land surface assessment for man-made structur, Assess damage from industrial accidents, Construction, Detect & monitor land movement, uplift, subsidence, heave., Assess changes to urban and rural areas, Education, training and research, Detect and monitor wildfires, Emergency Services, Map and assess Flooding, Monitor water bodies, Monitor Snow Cover, Assess environmental impact of farming, Enviroment, Pollution and Climate, Monitor air quality, Assess air pollutant dispersion, Monitor shallow water habitats, Assess changes in the carbon balance, Assess climate change risk, Assess crop acreage and yield harvest, Forecast crop yields, Assess environmental impact of human activities, Monitor atmosphere composition, Monitor water use on crops and horticulture, Assess land value, ownership, type, use, etc, Assess changes in land use and quality, Measure land use statistics, Monitor coastal ecosystem, Assess and monitor coastal water quality, Monitor land ecosystems and biodiversity, Detect and monitor oil slicks, Monitor of land pollution, Detect and monitor ice risk at sea, Assess dredging operation impacts, Forecast and monitor ocean movement and drift, Forecast weather, Assess changes in the carbon balance, Forestry, Detect and monitor wildfires, Monitor forest resources, Assess environmental impact of forestry, Monitor forest diversity, Monitor water bodies, Humanitarian Operations and health, Monitor business activity, Insurance and Finance, Map hydroelectric and wind farms, Map and monitor of wind energy (wind farms), Assess changes to urban and rural areas, Transport, Assess changes to urban and rural areas, Utilities
Satellite Data as a Service: GET, in cooperation with Sinergise, offers exclusively for Greece and Cyprus, the innovative and awarded by Copernicus Master, Sentinel-Hub Service. The main service offerings are: WMS/WMTS service – for visualization in desktop or we GIS tools WCS service – direct access service in raw full analysis data WMS Configurator – API for access in data and standardized functions (area of interest, search time period, atmospheric correction activation, spectral bands selection, cloud coverage percentage, mosaic display order) Statistic information service – time series data for a specific area in readable format Notification service – receive notifications when new imagery is available Mosaic generator – for easy download process of required data in GeoTiff or other format