
Nelen & Schuurmans

Consultancy (studies / analyses which are not VA services and other support, Downstream / GIS services (main business not in EO but using satellite data, Hardware/software, Value adding services (company uses satellite data to generate products)

We provide consultancy for water management issues in urban and rural areas. Our consultants enjoy thinking off the beaten path, asking difficult questions in order to find optimal solutions. At Nelen and Schuurmans we partner with our clients and see ourselves as associates, rather than mere executors.

Oficina central
Países Bajos
Zakkendragershof 34-44 Utrecht
+31 (0) 30 233 02 00
Nombre de contacto
Oude Lenferink Kees
Posición de contacto
Teléfono de contacto
LinkedIn de contacto

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