
European Space Imaging GmbH

Value adding services (company uses satellite data to generate products), Data Reception and distribution (owner or operator of a ground station), Data reseller (satellite or other data from third party sources), Satellite Operator (data sales)

European Space Imaging is the leading supplier of very high-resolution (VHR) satellite imagery across Europe and North Africa. They are the only European satellite data provider operating a multi-mission capable ground station, enabling optimised collection strategies, flexibility and real-time weather assessments for new collections. Since 2002 European Space Imaging has continued to provide access to the most advanced VHR satellites available and related services to customers throughout their region. Working closely with government and industry European Space Imaging provide optimised VHR imagery solutions to meet the diverse project requirements of their extended customer base.

Emplacement du siège social
Arnulfstrasse 199, 80364 Munich, Germany
+49 89 130 142 0
Nom du contact
Götz Henning
Position de contact
Copernicus Project Manager
Contact de téléphone
Email du contact
LinkedIn du contact