
Remote Sensing Application Center

Consultancy (studies / analyses which are not VA services and other support, Value adding services (company uses satellite data to generate products)

Since 1998, ReSAC applies Remote Sensing and GIS in decision making for agricultural and environmental management, land cover/land use, soil and forest inventory, water resources, environmental hazards, urban planning, infrastructure, participation in regional and international projects and cooperation. ReSAC maintains a qualified specialists covering a wide range of RS/GIS applications. ReSAC offers services in the area of earth observation applications, GIS, orthophoto mapping as well as consultancy for projects and tasks within this scope.(Distribution of Satellite Data, Image Processing, GIS Data Services, Photogrammetric Services, Fast Track Services, Consultancy and Training). ReSAC has participated in many projects in which it has been a leading institution as well as members from ReSAC have been consultants and subcontractors in projects lead by other organisations.

Site Internet
Emplacement du siège social
61, Tzar Assen Str., fl 2, 1453 Sofia, Bulgaria
+359 2 980-0731
Nom du contact
Milenova Ljudmila
Position de contact
Contact de téléphone
+359 2 9800731
Email du contact
LinkedIn du contact