
MFB-GeoConsulting GmbH

Value adding services (company uses satellite data to generate products), Hardware/software, Downstream / GIS services (main business not in EO but using satellite data, Consultancy (studies / analyses which are not VA services and other support

MFB-GeoConsulting is specializing in “Solutions in Geographic Imaging” for optical and radar earth observation, i.e. the company’s services do cover a complete range of services including: a) distribution of earth observation data (contracts with most of the satellite operators) b) distribution of software for image processing, photogrammetry and 3-D visualizations (exclusive distribution for Leica Geosystems in Switzerland) and 3-D hardware components c) project management and realization d) training and education (lecturing at Universities). Depending on the customer’s project, we offer project- and customer-adapted solutions.Furthermore, the integration and interfacing of image and auxiliary geo data with geographic information and database management systems including the data transmission (field-to-office) is one of the strength of MFB-Geo. This includes the transfer of data from/to almost any raster and vector format.

Stronie internetowej
Lokalizacja głównego biura
Hauptstrasse 17, 3254 Messen, Switzerland
+41-31-765 5063
Nazwa Kontaktu
Baumgartner Michael
Pozycja kontaktu
Managing Director
Telefon kontaktowy
E-mail kontaktowy
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