About us
Who we are & what we want
EOpages is a brokerage platform to help potential customers find suppliers whilst service providers will be able to promote their products.
The Earth Observation value added Industry is quickly evolving. It has a pool of resources and services which must be organized, catalogued and presented in a unified tool. EOpages is being designed for this purpose. It will be an active business-to-business website promoting the European and Canadian geo-information service industry creating a meeting point between industry and market.
who we are?

EOpages specialised Online Directory is aimed as comunication platform between potential user and suppliers encouraging business exchanges. EOpages is expected to be another breakthrough to improve even further the representation of European Earth Observation Industry in a variety of contexts working in partnership with industry and stakeholders.
The European Space Agency (ESA) has sponsored EOpages under eovox project, in collaboration with the European Associaiton of Remote Sensing Companies, EARSC. EOpages is expected to be another breakthrough to improve even further the representation of European Earth Observation Industry in a variety of contexts working in partnership with industry and stakeholders.
The European Space Agency (ESA) has initiated the “eoVox2” follow on activity, with a key aim to consolidate & promote the combined capabilities of the European EO service industry to future potential customers.
EARSC is the European organization which —on a non-profit basis— coordinates and promotes activities of their members in the area of services based on the delivery of geo-information products on customer demand.EARSC´s mission is to foster development of European geo-information service industry. Our VISION is a sustainable market for geo-information services, using remote sensing data, which is openly accessible to all members.
To achieve this we will focus on:
- Customer awareness and acceptance of Earth observation and remote sensing
- Improving Market access for our members
EARSC is a non-profit-making organisation created in 1989 with the mission to foster the development of European Geo-Information Service Industry. Our main objective is to stimulate a sustainable market for geo-information services using EO data.
EARSC represents the Earth Observation geo-information services companies in Europe and is a recognized association both in Europe and worldwide. Today EARSC has 65 members coming from more than 20 countries in Europe and including nearly 50% of the total number of European EO service companies. Over 60% of these are small or medium sized enterprises. Our members include both commercial operators of EO satellites and downstream, value-adding companies.
The sector plays a key role in providing value-added geo-spatial information to its customers in Europe and the world. In 2012, the revenue of the European EO services sector is estimated to be around €750m and giving work to over 5000 highly skilled employees. The industry is growing at over 10% per annum.
what is our aim?

The aim of EOpages project is to enable potential customers to explore and interact with users in online content on the capabilities of EO industry in general and EO VA companies in particular by identifying relevant information via an in-depth crawling of geoinformation companies and organising, classifying and displaying the results.
EOpages will ensure that information is easily accessible as well as offering a “meeting point” to build and grow connections between industry and the market. It will include many innovative features to assist customers and to identify solutions for their markets.
EOpages will:
- provide professional quality informative and promotional material concerning the portfolio of services available from European and Canadian companies registered.
- allow potential customers to access the database of EO VA companies to understand more about available services and products as well as business models.
- act as a valuable resource for identifying and contacting potential suppliers to meet customer needs or creating partnerships.
- help to bring industries together to facilitate future opportunities into other marketplaces.
- become an international platform for profile raising and capitalising on new business opportunities.
- recognize the need of customers to have a good and reliable source of information so they can make the most informed decisions about their business plans. support the service provider community by encouraging enterprise in the most cost-effective and professional way possible.
what is inside EOpages?

Companies are welcome to include their products and services inside EOpages. These products are derived from Earth Observation (EO) data, collected by earth observation satellites or by aircraft equipped with remote sensing instruments. The members of EARSC are active on the growing market for the exploitation of EO data by converting these data in geo-information suitable and accessible for their clients. This conversion process, the customization of the products and the development and provision of services is characterized by addition of value for users/customers in the chain between data collection and exploitation of information.
EOpages will allow service providers to promote their products and services in all areas of applications. EOpages will aim to consolidate & promote the combined capabilities of the European EO service industry to future potential customers developing a vibrant and successful industry sector in Europe.